OIAM3 Final? How was it? My first time to watch live show in a stadium, quite cool. Well, behind every successful show, there must be a team of ppl working on it. We reached at the stadium quite early, therefore we get to snap a few photos ppl doing their thing and so on. Let the photos do their job!

It's a bit dark..


Somemore show off her artwork. :p

*ehem* Me writing "Aweera"

Alvin wrote for Tomok!

The PR team with the Special Project's manager, Eileen!

Food of da day!
On that day, my job was mainly about the artists. All I need to do is bring them to Wirda and she will show them their seats. Anyway, we waited for quite some time. You know la, usually they will come late. After that, we just find a place and enjoy the show!
Seriously, I did enjoyed watching the show. I hardly watch..err..local show. That's because I thought they are not nice to watch. Well, I was wrong ler. It was like, after watching them sing, the music is still on my mind. Anyway, I was hoping that Esther will win in this competition, but I guess her performace on that day was not that good. It was good, but not that good, get what I mean? :p Oh ya, Tomok was the winner of OIAM3! :D Congrats! No doubt that he has nice voice + a lot of fans.

See the yellow shirt ppl? They are Tomok's family & fanssss!

AND..The live show starts!!

Bunkface's performace (Heh, I din go down and watch la, lazy)

Once they announced the winner, see, they all so excited!

The press conference after the live show

The Top 3

Host of the day, Marion (With Awal)
Finally, special thanks to 8tv staffs. Give yourself a big applause! :D If anyone of you missed the show, you can always log on to 8tv official website and just a click you will be able to watch it! Of course, you need to have an account. Even if you've already watched it, you still can watch it again! :p I know you will be addicted to their voices. Heh. Yup, I guess that's all for this post! Enjoy!
You noe you gonna love us! ♥
The Gossip Team!
The Gossip Team!
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