On 7th May 2009, we smelled something fishy. Looks like somebody is gonna get a surprise birthday party! Who's that birthday gal? Yes, it's our one and only GM, Ms.Kim!

First of all, what we need is a birthday card. Of course, we are not the one who prepared all those thing. On that day itself, we only knew that it was Kim's birthday. We are gladful that they allowed us to write something on the card. Let's seee..

Front view

What's inside?
We even saw Eileen's kiss on the card! How sweet! :) Most of the people wished her happy birthday and also a happy mother-to-be. Warda and Emi were so busy around because they gotta get the birthday cake and also the presents. As for us, we just wait outside the meeting room where Ms.Kim and the production fellows doing their thing.

Eileen's kiss

Cake and presents

People helping around (Wow, see Eileen's hair..macam shampoo ads la! :p)

Birthday Cake!

Hehe, now we know who's the one that put up the candles..
Well, after everything is ready, it's time for the surprise! One, Two, Three! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Kim, Happy Birthday to you! I guess her first rection was like: "OMG!" Haha! Anyway, Kim was wondering why on that day so many people sms her to wish her happy birthday. Well, that was because we already knew when's ur birthday.

Haha! Thanks for the surprise!

It's time to cut the cake~

Even my baby kicked me!

People who were there to celebrate Kim's birthday!

Look at the camera and smile!

Our GM and CEO!

Kim and the ppl from Brand Management!

2 mommy-to-be (So, can my son tackle your daughter? :p)

Kim and Edriss

Kim and Eileen
Just in case you are wondering why Nnn is not in the photo, well, she was too busy with the Media Night preparation at Sunway Lagoon. The PR team couldn't joined this because all of them got work to do. :( Too bad. But anyway, the next day which was on Friday, 8th May 2009, all the staffs officially went to makan together with Kim. :)

Kim and Hisham (Sorry if it's wrong spelling!) He's the one who bring the card around to let ppl write the wishes.

Last but not least, while we were on our way back to office, we saw Hunny Madu, the DJ from FlyFM! Of course, must snap a photo of us doing crazy pose! :D Once again, Happy Birthday Kim!

Hunny Madu and the 3 interns!
You noe you gonna love us! ♥
The Gossip Team!
The Gossip Team!
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