We did surprised her and we sang her a birthday song while goin into the room... We nearly gave her a 'heart attack' surprise according to her! Hehe~ She said she was in shocked! Whoopsie daisy! Sorry! =S Even her baby gave her a big karate kick in her tummy... =p Whoops~ We guess we are not gonna do that to any other soon-to-be mama anymore! =)
Group photos time!
Ok, done wif the party and now I shall show you some of the pictures I get to snap for 'behind the scene' where how we prepared the surprise for her! =) I'm guessin that Ms. Kim do love pink and lilac colour... I'm not sure why but I tink she love those colours... =p
The choc indulgence cake for Mama Kim
Pls dun ask me why is there 10 candles, I hav no idea
(but acc to Eileen; 10 simply means "10 chuin 10 mei" = perfect)
The superb XXXL size card from all of us! =]
The cutie soft toy for Ms. Kim's baby
Ya, and we get a cool party pack that loaded wif gifts!
Wanna know why they are so excited about?
Coz they reload the junk foods sect at last! =p
May and April. =D
Siew Tyug siao wif us! =p
Alvin, April and Hafiz
(I kinda force him to pose coz he's paiseh type of boi) =p

Pls dun ask me why is there 10 candles, I hav no idea
(but acc to Eileen; 10 simply means "10 chuin 10 mei" = perfect)

Then we are back to our office once we are done and they cont' back their meeting... After break time, we cont' back our work while Alvin and May went to Sunway Lagoon for Sarong Party Night (for Media) with the PR team... So, I guess it should be fun... Really wish I could actually follow them... =(
(I kinda force him to pose coz he's paiseh type of boi) =p
Ya, and another thing I do wanna share wif everyone... It's unrelated to workin at all... It's juz a talent of a staff in 8TV... So, I should juz share this wif everyone although it's very memalukan sendiri... It's Mr. Fido... Why? How he try to embarrass me? Of coz by makin use of his talented skills in photoshop and croppin my face into other people's body la! =( Worst still, he e-mailed the picture he created to everyone (fine, not every but most of them and not even to me!) of the 8TV staff!!!! I oni realise when Emi asked me is that me! Ish~ Ahhh~ Gone ad la my future... =/ Aih, I dunno I should thank him for makin me darn famous in 8TV o should I kill him for puttin my face into George of the Jungle's fella's body! Hmph!!! I'm not angry la BUT I'm not happy either! Argh~ I hate you FIDO! But at the same time, I hav to admit that I do admire your talented skill la... really nid to learn from you on how u did that! *salute* And I bet he muz hav been sacrificing all his 'precious workin' time juz to made me this monkey photo of me and dedicate this to everyone to laugh! And also to make me =) ! Am I rite? =p And I'm so sorry for hurtin you lo... Dun mean to erm, high kick you la... =p
Ya, that's me... Laugh all you want la... =/
He even rename the photo as
America Next Top Intern Model! -_-"
Ya, done wif laughin... Hmm, I guess tat's all I'm gonna share wif everyone today on my side! Hope you guys enjoy reading all these... Li May gonna post similar story bout today and either one of them is gonna share wif us their wonderful and fun experience at Sunway Lagoon for Media Night...
Anyways, hav a nice and good days ahead! ;) So, do stay tune and catch up wif us later ya! ;D
You noe you gonna love us! ♥
The Gossip Team!

He even rename the photo as
America Next Top Intern Model! -_-"
Hmph, but at least I'm not bad oso la... determined to revenge! I google for weird photos until I found this! It was actually Sparta's from 300 punyer muka... And although I'm not pro in Photoshop, but I hav to admit I'm quite pro in Paint! Although it's not as smooth as urs but at least, I felt better in my heart and had a great laugh! neh neh neh neh~ =p U lucky Mr. Fido coz I cant send this e-mail internally to everyone in 8TV! Hmph~
Ya, done wif laughin... Hmm, I guess tat's all I'm gonna share wif everyone today on my side! Hope you guys enjoy reading all these... Li May gonna post similar story bout today and either one of them is gonna share wif us their wonderful and fun experience at Sunway Lagoon for Media Night...
Anyways, hav a nice and good days ahead! ;) So, do stay tune and catch up wif us later ya! ;D
You noe you gonna love us! ♥
The Gossip Team!
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