I'm gonna intro her today bcoz she hav this special talents where nobody hav this! What is that?! It's actually her fastest time to ..... ZZZzzzZZZ.... (her very own Wonderland) after consuming her meals every time durin lunch hour! Seriously! She's talented wei! LoL~ Gosh, she's so gonna kill me for postin this! =p
And due to her ability by fallin asleep right after her meal (yup, at any place! dont bliv me, come n find me, n i shall show u all her tons of Zzz pictures!) in no time, it does brin some good benefits... Why I said so? Scroll down to see pictures below and you'll noe why! =p
She wif Esther!!!
She wif Aweera!!!
And of coz where can she miss out this millionaire?! Tomok!!!
See la, she so lucky hor... *jealous nyer!* =s
Yup, even Siew Tyug cant resist to snap a pict wif her too! =p
Us imitating OIAM Top 3 finalists... ^^
Lucky her coz she told us that she all the while wanted to snap pictures wif them but never had the chance becoz no fate and luck la of coz... =p N ever since now, everyone is gonna be so envy wif her coz Top 3 finalists of the OIAM were the ones that go over to her to snap these pictures instead of her goin to them! See la... we are jealous bout tis too actually... =p Happy giler for her la of coz... Tee hee~ (Thank us la wei Angeline!) =p
Btw, here is a picture of us imitating the OIAM Top 3 finalists! =p Can you guess who is who? =p How we wish this is real for us! Yeah, dream on... =D
Btw, here is my own Top 5 Target Muz Achieve by this year... =p Will help May and vin vin to update theirs too once they are done... So, be patient ya! ;D
Btw, you can actually ignore the fifth coz it wont happen...
Sad la when think bout we are gonna leave in 2 weeks time... So, we really hav to appreciate more, find more gossips and snap more pictures while we still can... Should we handle this whole blog to Angeline then?! Hmmm... I doubt bout this... =p
Hmm, I guess tat's all I'm gonna share wif everyone today on my side! Hope you guys enjoy reading all these news and post esp bout Angeline! *evil grins* Yeah, I noe, I'm so evil rite! Alwiz bully her... Kesian her... =p She's gonna kill me anyways! Sorry la Angeline, we juz wanna kept this part of our memories where we can refer back... Besides, you are so gonna be famous ad la.. You shud thank all of us! =p
Anyways, hav a nice and good days ahead! ;) So, do stay tune and catch up wif us later ya! ;D
**P/S: All the pictures was taken durin our lunch break time... And I'm sorry if any of these pictures offended anyone... =)
You noe you gonna love us! ♥
The Gossip Team!
why Food Science student proceed her intership at 8tv ah???
hihi, I'm Angeline, major in Food Science (Food Management). I came here to join in the production of Ho Chak, Malacca Edition. After the project, i transfered to BMG lo. I feel so damn sad not able to snap pic wif One In A Million Top 3 in CONCIOUS SITUATION (NOT DURING SLEEP!!!!)! GRRRRR.....I'm so gonna kill you, APRILLLLLL!!!! Tomok,Esther, Aweera....I love you all...can u three snap pic wif me next time when i'm conciuos??pls......
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